New Year, New Baby!

Happy 2015 y’all! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your families! We sure will miss my family being in town, but it was a wonderful having them here!

Sister Sister!

Sister Sister!

Loving on Auntie Lyric

Loving on Auntie Lyric


The only way to spend your PJs all days

Its a new year…and we will be welcoming a new baby into the world this year!! Ahhh! We are so excited to be adding to our family, but have been slacking a little in prepping the nursery because the holidays are always just so crazy busy. Its now time to prep for Baby Girl Dismukes! I do feel somewhat prepared..we have the essentials — co sleeper, nursery furniture, swaddle blankets, some clothes and diapers and I’m done right?? 🙂 I guess I could be..but the nursery needs some pink and some sparkle! Oh and she probably needs a name…how else will I monogram anything?

This is my inspiration right now..luckily TJ Maxx seems to agree and I have found some adorable gold frames and decor to add that sparkle!

Pinks & Golds &  Mint , OH MY

This pregnancy as flown by so far..probably because I’m chasing this little sweetie around all day, but my goodness is he more fun than ever these days! There are so many new milestones and new challenges with each age but for me it just keeps getting better!

IMG_3407 he seems to be loving the pillow his sister provides these days


Well Cannon has decided that 2015 is the year to become a walker…so I should probably go chase him before we end up with too many bumps and bruises !

To follow up our New Momma must haves post, we will have a Hospital Bag must haves post soon!



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