Chandler Marie- 4 months

IMG_9746IMG_9758Chandler 4 Months

Weight/Height: 18 lbs 14oz (100 percentile) 27 inches ( 100 percentile)
Hair/Eyes: Chandlers eyes are officially turning brown! The center of her eyes are staring to turn a dark brown, the rest are still a dark grey. Chandlers hair is still growing back in blonde, we still don’t have a ton of hair, but its definitely growing!
Diapers: We are squeezing in our size 3s— Honest brand , our next shipment arrives this week in size 4s!
Clothes: some baby gap 6-12 month depending on what it is and 12-18 months. Carters 12 months.
Eating: Chandler is still breastfeeding on demand, usually about 2-3 hours during the day and a few longer stretches at night. She is not a fan of any bottles we have tried so far.
Sleeping: Chandler is a cat napper, unless we are in the car. She takes several 30-45 minute naps in her crib during the day. She will sleep for a little longer if she’s in her carseat. She enjoys sleeping on her side with her paci and blanket. She isn’t a huge fan of being held when sleeping, most of the time shed rather be in her crib.. She goes to bed in her crib after her bath around 7 each night and gets up at 7am. She usually eats 2-3 times during this time, but for the first time recently..she only woke up once to eat! Maybe she will continue that trend 🙂
Favorites: being carried, her paci, holding a swaddle blanket, chewing on anything especially her hands, being talked to, fake sneezes, standing up, her exersaucer, watching her big brother, watching her mobile , baby bjorn, baby ktan, sophie, strawberry teether, being read books, any toys that make noise, being tickled, sitting in her high chair at the table, kisses & her momma!
Milestones: Chandler has started trying to reach for toys, trying to chew on all things, holding toys & attempting to roll but hasn’t quite mastered it yet. She really started belly laughing this month & im convinced its the greatest sound! She has found even more of her voice this month and a little higher pitched than last! She has always been pretty chatty, but im pretty sure you can carry on a full conversation with this girl sometimes.


Be back next week for an TWO year update on Cannon!

