Chandler Marie– 2 months

Chandler Marie –2 Months


Weight/Height: 15lbs 3oz (100th percentile) , 24 inches long (90 %)

 Hair/Eyes: Chandlers hair is still brown, but you can see the light hair coming in. It is super curly when we go outside in the humidity!

 Diapers: Size 2, Honest diapers … Getting snug, our next shipment will definitely be 3s!

 Clothes: Baby gap 6-12 Carters 9 months ( we can still squeeze into some 6 month outfits if they are stretchy or dresses!)

 Eating: We are still breastfeeding on demand, which is usually every 2-2.5 hours during the day. At night we usually get a 5 hour stretch followed by a 3-4 hour stretch!

 Sleeping: Chandler usually takes her longest nap in the morning around 8-9am which is usually 1-2 hours. She loves sleeping in her carseat, the ktan & her mamaroo. She normally takes 30 min- hour naps the rest of the day. After her 6-7 pm feeding she goes to bed about an hour later. We swaddle her, give her a paci and rock her for a few minutes, if shes not asleep she will fall asleep with her paci about 2 minutes after being laid down. She then sleeps until sometime between 12-1 , eats and then sleeps until  3-4 , eats and shes up by 630 ready to start her day. We are grateful for a such a great sleeper at night!

 Milestones: So many smiles and coos this month! She really has started to follow us and giggle when we are talking to her ( its the sweetest). Chandler has started to enjoy being on her activity mat, watching her toys or just being talked to. This is a huge change from last month where she never wanted us to lay her down.

Favorites: Bathtime, her hair being brushed, being talked to, being walked around in the ktan, riding in the car, tummy time, eating, being swaddled & her paci.


We are loving watching Chandler’s personality blossom each day! Thankful for this healthy sweet girl everyday!

The Big 2015

so I thought 2014 was a big year for my family, but then 2015 showed up! Lots of first happenings in my family. My family that is quickly growing.

Our year of firsts

1. My little sister , Carly graduated from college and looking for an early education teacher job while working on getting her masters.

2. The same sister is planning her special day, her Wedding!  So our over achiever Mother is on that with not a minute to spare. Well I take that back, she always has a minute to spare to read or play with her grand babies. The day is upon us sooner this we think. What is it Carly …. 59 days?

3. My older sister , Kt decided why not add another pregnancy into the mix of our events in 2015. BUT, not one baby, 2! TWINS- identical twins. So Kt will have 3 children under the age of 2.

4. And in my household I will have a baby turning 3 and our Park turning 1! Not to mention all the other special Weddings we have this year and fun events that go with planning a wedding!

5. Hopefully a play date this year for all the Mommas ! It will be nice to be together and spend time loving on our 6 sweet babies! ~Chandler Marie , I am patiently/ not so patiently waiting to meet you in person and gently squeeze you!

We are taking advice on names for the twins. Did I mention they are boys! 3 boys for Kt! Send those suggestions on over!

 Carly with her fiancé , Tyler. #TytheKnot

 First Bridal Shower for the sister !

Parker had his 9/10month check up this week

He is 19.3lbs , 28 inches long– catching up to his sister!!

Elle has had 2 – 2 1/2 year check up this week

 25 lbs! Go Elle go- Parker is getting closer!

Raise your glass and Cheers to Love !

– Abby